Bill Lucas
Chair, Advisory Committee, GIoCT
Professor of Learning, University of Winchester
Director, Centre for Real-World Learning, University of Winchester
Co-chair, Strategic Advisory Board, PISA 2021 Test of Creative Thinking
Academic Adviser for the Durham Commission on Creativity in Education
Co-leader of the Fellowship Programme of THIS, the Healthcare Studies Institute at the University of Cambridge.

Bill Lucas is Chair of the Advisory Committee at the Global Institute of Creative Thinking and Professor of Learning and Director of the Centre for Real-World Learning (CRL) at the University of Winchester.
In 2017, Bill was appointed by the OECD as co-chair of the strategy group for the 2021 PISA Test of Creative Thinking. In 2018 he was invited to join the Durham Commission on Creativity in Education as an academic adviser and was subsequently co-author of its first report in 2019. He is also Chair of the Advisory Committee at The Tony Little Centre for Innovation and Research in Learning of Eton College, a member of the LEGO Foundation Advisory Board, and an adviser to Australia’s Mitchell Institute.
Bill is a prolific author of acclaimed popular books about learning, creativity and change. He is in demand across the world as a speaker and facilitator of learning.
With Guy Claxton, he is the creator of the Expansive Education Network. Bill is co-founder of Rethinking Assessment, a movement arguing for a major overhaul of the assessment system in England.
Learn more about Bill here.
Lucas, Bill and Spencer, Ellen (2020) Zest for Learning: Developing curious learners who relish real-world challenges. Carmarthen: Crown House Publishing Ltd
Hanson, Janet and Lucas, Bill (2020). The Case for Technology Habits of Mind. In Williams, John and Barlex, David (Eds.), Pedagogy for Technology Education in Secondary Schools: Research Informed Perspectives for Classroom Teachers (pp. 45-64). (Contemporary Issues in Technology Education). Switzerland AG: Springer Nature.
Lucas, Bill and Spencer, Ellen (2018) Developing Tenacity: Creating learners who persevere in the face of difficulty, Camarthen: Crown House Publishing Ltd
Lucas, Bill and Spencer, Ellen (2017) Teaching Creative Thinking: Developing learners who generate ideas and can think critically, Carmarthen: Crown House Publishing Ltd
Lucas, Bill and Claxton, Guy (2015) Educating Ruby: what children really need to learn. Carmarthen: Crown House Publishing Ltd
Lucas, Bill (2022). A Field Guide to assessing creative thinking in schools. Perth: FORM-Rethinking Assessment.
Lucas, Bill and Spencer, Ellen (2021) Creative leadership to develop creativity and creative thinking in English schools: A review of the evidence. London: The Mercers’ Company.
Lucas, Bill and Hanson, Janet (2021). Reimagining practical learning in secondary schools: A review of the evidence. London: Royal Academy of Engineering.
Lucas, Bill (2021). Rethinking educational assessment: the case for change. Melbourne: Centre for Strategic Education.
Lucas, Bill (2021). Creative School Leadership. Perth: FORM