Case Study Collection
In order to advance our goal of building an accessible, international, and comprehensive platform for teaching creativity, we are looking for as many creativity case studies as possible, from all over the globe. We know that Creativity is already being brought into the classroom every day and we are looking for examples of schools and institutions who are doing this.
What We Need
Case studies in creative thinking.
Case Study Format
Videos, images, documents (pdf, doc, excel).
We will send you a project template, just get in

Our Plan
Our short term plan is to compile case studies and share these in our newsletter and annual publication, the link for which is below.
Longer term, we plan to allow for sharing of best practices, new ideas, and different methods for teaching creative thinking across the world.
Help us spread creative thinking practices, email us below!
How to Get Involved:
In order to make the case study collection as simple as possible, we have a simple process that is very easy to follow:
Please go to the
submission form here.
Please fill in the form and attach
any relevant documents.

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