Michael Anderson
Vice-Chair, Advisory Committee, GIoCT
Professor of Creativity and Arts Education, The University of Sydney
Co-Director of The CREATE Centre, The University of Sydney
Co-Founder and Academic Leader, 4C Transformative Learning

Dr Michael Anderson is the Professor of Creativity and Arts Education in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at The University of Sydney and Co-Director of the CREATE Centre.
Michael is an internationally recognised educational leader in school transformation processes focused on Creativity, Collaboration, Communication and Critical Reflection. He has taught, researched and published in education and transformation for over 20 years, including more than 20 authored, co-authored and edited books and more than 60 book chapters and journal articles. His international research and practice focus on how the 4Cs can be integrated using coherent frameworks to support leaders as they work towards transformation in their contexts.
He is co-author of several books on transformation, including Transforming Schools, Transforming Organisations and Transforming Education. Michael has also researched and published widely in drama and arts education, applied theatre, technology and curriculum studies. Michael co-created the Creative Leadership in Learning Program for the Sydney Opera House and several other programs that drive transformation in education and other organisations.
He is a sought-after consultant, keynote speaker and advisor to organisations, schools and education systems.
Learn more about Michael here.
Transforming Education (with Miranda Jefferson, Bloomsbury, 2021)
Transforming Organisations (with Miranda Jefferson, Bloomsbury, 2019)
Transforming Schools (with Miranda Jefferson, Bloomsbury, 2017)
Drama and Digital Arts Cultures (with Rebecca Wotzko and David Cameron, Bloomsbury, 2017)
Applied Theatre: Research (with Peter O’Connor, Bloomsbury, 2015)
Partnerships in Education Research: Creating Knowledge that Matters (with Kelly Freebody, Bloomsbury, 2013)
Masterclass in Drama Education (Continuum, UK, 2011)
Martin, A., Ginns, P., Anderson, M., Gibson, R., Bishop, M. (2021). Motivation and engagement among Indigenous (Aboriginal Australian) and non-Indigenous students. Educational Psychology, 41(4), 424-445.
Ginns, P., Freebody, K., Anderson, M., O’Connor, P. (2021). Student experience of creativity in Australian high school classrooms: A componential model. Learning and Individual Differences, 91, 102057.
Fleming, J., Gibson, R., Anderson, M., Martin, A. (2020). Quality teaching frameworks and arts education: Seeking a compatible approach. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 52(6), 840-856.
Gardiner, P., Anderson, M. (2018). Structured creative processes in learning playwriting: Invoking imaginative pedagogies. Cambridge Journal of Education, 48(2), 177-196.
Mansour, M., Martin, A., Anderson, M., Gibson, R., Liem, G., Sudmalis, D. (2018). Young people’s creative and performing arts participation and arts self-concept: A longitudinal study of reciprocal effects. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 52(3), 240-255.
Mansour, M., Martin, A., Anderson, M., Gibson, R. (2017). Getting into flow in the arts classroom: Research findings and implications for practice. Educational Practice and Theory, 39(2), 5-15.
O’Connor, P., Anderson, M. (2017). Research in a post-normal world. Public: a journal of imagining America, 4(1).
Fleming, J., Gibson, R., Anderson, M., Martin, A., Sudmalis, D. (2016). Cultivating imaginative thinking: Teacher strategies used in high-performing arts education classrooms. Cambridge Journal of Education, 46(4), 435-453.
O’Connor, P., Anderson, M., Freebody, K., Ginns, P. (2020). Replanting creativity during post-normal times, (pp. 1 – 58). Auckland, New Zealand, New Zealand: Centre for Arts and Social Transformation, University of Auckland.
Buchanan, J., Allais, S., Anderson, M., Calvo, R., Peter, S., Pietsch, T. (2020). The futures of work: What education can and can’t do (Background paper for the Futures of Education initiative): UNESCO.
Buchanan, J., Ryan, R., Anderson, M., Calvo, R., Glozier, N., Peter, S. (2018). Future Frontiers Analytical Report: Preparing for the best and worst of times, (pp. 1 – 62). Sydney, Australia: NSW Department of Education.